Brinell hardness test
Handy microscope
Irregular and various sample measurement
Maintain the same indentation size during focus (accurate measurement is possible).
Automatic removal of reflected light from metal surfaces (accurate measurement possible), which allows using both ASAHI and YAMAMOTO standard specimens are available
Uses abrasion-resistant metal materials (accurate measurement even for many years)
Touch-light control (easy operation)
Plug and Play USB operation (easy operation)
Up to 5MP resolution, preview speed up to 30fps
Measured value according to ASTM E10-15 and ISO 6506-1_2014
- Because Brinell indentation is not an exact circle, we use several points to determine area and mean diameter(Accurate measurement possible)
- Accurate automatic reading of standard and actual working specimen
- Display real-time measurement results, statistics, and graphs
- Real-time OK / NG judgment
- Provides a variety of hardness conversion values
- You can edit the calibration and load of the indenter.
- Measurement results can be exported in various formats, such as export to Excel, Excel templates, and image generation with measurement results.
- Annotation addition
- Actual measurement display (55 measurement functions including length)
- Multilingual support